Monday, March 11, 2013

resting potential

Resting potential is maintained in all cells not just excitable cells like neurones. It is mainly mediated by potassium movement into and out of the cell. the inside of the cell contains a lot of potassium which  has a single positive charge, this is balanced by various negative anions in the cell. The fluid around the cell contains very little potassium creating a chemical gradient. As the potassium passively diffuses out the cell down its chemical gradient the negative charges on the anions are no longer balanced. This makes the inside of the cell more negative than the outide of the cell. The sodium potassium pump uses ATP to transport potassium and sodium against their concentration gradients, 3 sodiums are moved out of the cell for every 2 potassiums moved into the cell. This helps to maintain the resting potential charge but does not create it. This occurs in every cell in the body.

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